E.3 Launching executable jars

The org.springframework.boot.loader.Launcher class is a special bootstrap class that is used as an executable jars main entry point. It is the actual Main-Class in your jar file and it’s used to setup an appropriate URLClassLoader and ultimately call your main() method.

There are 3 launcher subclasses (JarLauncher, WarLauncher and PropertiesLauncher). Their purpose is to load resources (.class files etc.) from nested jar files or war files in directories (as opposed to explicitly on the classpath). In the case of JarLauncher and WarLauncher the nested paths are fixed. JarLauncher looks in BOOT-INF/lib/ and WarLauncher looks in WEB-INF/lib/ and WEB-INF/lib-provided/ so you just add extra jars in those locations if you want more. The PropertiesLauncher looks in BOOT-INF/lib/ in your application archive by default, but you can add additional locations by setting an environment variable LOADER_PATH or loader.path in application.properties (comma-separated list of directories or archives).

E.3.1 Launcher manifest

You need to specify an appropriate Launcher as the Main-Class attribute of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The actual class that you want to launch (i.e. the class that you wrote that contains a main method) should be specified in the Start-Class attribute.

For example, here is a typical MANIFEST.MF for an executable jar file:

Main-Class: org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
Start-Class: com.mycompany.project.MyApplication

For a war file, it would be:

Main-Class: org.springframework.boot.loader.WarLauncher
Start-Class: com.mycompany.project.MyApplication
[Note] Note
You do not need to specify Class-Path entries in your manifest file, the classpath will be deduced from the nested jars.

E.3.2 Exploded archives

Certain PaaS implementations may choose to unpack archives before they run. For example, Cloud Foundry operates in this way. You can run an unpacked archive by simply starting the appropriate launcher:

$ unzip -q myapp.jar
$ java org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher

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