59.5 Initialize a new project

The init command allows you to create a new project using start.spring.io without leaving the shell. For example:

$ spring init --dependencies=web,data-jpa my-project
Using service at https://start.spring.io
Project extracted to '/Users/developer/example/my-project'

This creates a my-project directory with a Maven-based project using spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. You can list the capabilities of the service using the --list flag

$ spring init --list

Capabilities of https://start.spring.io

Available dependencies:

actuator - Actuator: Production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application ... web - Web: Support for full-stack web development, including Tomcat and spring-webmvc websocket - Websocket: Support for WebSocket development ws - WS: Support for Spring Web Services

Available project types:

gradle-build - Gradle Config [format:build, build:gradle] gradle-project - Gradle Project [format:project, build:gradle] maven-build - Maven POM [format:build, build:maven] maven-project - Maven Project [format:project, build:maven] (default)


The init command supports many options, check the help output for more details. For instance, the following command creates a gradle project using Java 8 and war packaging:

$ spring init --build=gradle --java-version=1.8 --dependencies=websocket --packaging=war sample-app.zip
Using service at https://start.spring.io
Content saved to 'sample-app.zip'

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