64.9 Publishing artifacts to a Maven repository using Gradle

If you are declaring dependencies without versions and you want to publish artifacts to a Maven repository you will need to configure the Maven publication with details of Spring Boot’s dependency management. This can be achieved by configuring it to publish poms that inherit from spring-boot-starter-parent or that import dependency management from spring-boot-dependencies. The exact details of this configuration depend on how you’re using Gradle and how you’re trying to publish the artifacts.

64.9.1 Configuring Gradle to produce a pom that inherits dependency management

The following is an example of configuring Gradle to generate a pom that inherits from spring-boot-starter-parent. Please refer to the Gradle User Guide for further information.

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            pom {
                project {
                    parent {
                        groupId "org.springframework.boot"
                        artifactId "spring-boot-starter-parent"
                        version "1.4.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"

64.9.2 Configuring Gradle to produce a pom that imports dependency management

The following is an example of configuring Gradle to generate a pom that imports the dependency management provided by spring-boot-dependencies. Please refer to the Gradle User Guide for further information.

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            pom {
                project {
                    dependencyManagement {
                        dependencies {
                            dependency {
                                groupId "org.springframework.boot"
                                artifactId "spring-boot-dependencies"
                                version "1.4.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
                                type "pom"
                                scope "import"

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