79.2 Reload templates without restarting the container

Most of the templating technologies supported by Spring Boot include a configuration option to disable caching (see below for details). If you’re using the spring-boot-devtools module these properties will be automatically configured for you at development time.

79.2.1 Thymeleaf templates

If you are using Thymeleaf, then set spring.thymeleaf.cache to false. See ThymeleafAutoConfiguration for other Thymeleaf customization options.

79.2.2 FreeMarker templates

If you are using FreeMarker, then set spring.freemarker.cache to false. See FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration for other FreeMarker customization options.

79.2.3 Groovy templates

If you are using Groovy templates, then set spring.groovy.template.cache to false. See GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration for other Groovy customization options.

79.2.4 Velocity templates

If you are using Velocity, then set spring.velocity.cache to false. See VelocityAutoConfiguration for other Velocity customization options.

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