79.4 Reload Java classes without restarting the container

Modern IDEs (Eclipse, IDEA, etc.) all support hot swapping of bytecode, so if you make a change that doesn’t affect class or method signatures it should reload cleanly with no side effects.

Spring Loaded goes a little further in that it can reload class definitions with changes in the method signatures. With some customization it can force an ApplicationContext to refresh itself (but there is no general mechanism to ensure that would be safe for a running application anyway, so it would only ever be a development time trick probably).

79.4.1 Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven

To use Spring Loaded with the Maven command line, just add it as a dependency in the Spring Boot plugin declaration, e.g.


This normally works pretty well with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA as long as they have their build configuration aligned with the Maven defaults (Eclipse m2e does this out of the box).

79.4.2 Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA

You need to jump through a few hoops if you want to use Spring Loaded in combination with Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA. By default, IntelliJ IDEA will compile classes into a different location than Gradle, causing Spring Loaded monitoring to fail.

To configure IntelliJ IDEA correctly you can use the idea Gradle plugin:

buildscript {
    repositories { jcenter() }
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:1.4.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
        classpath 'org.springframework:springloaded:1.2.0.RELEASE'

apply plugin: 'idea'

idea {
    module {
        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = file("$buildDir/classes/main/")

// ...
[Note] Note
IntelliJ IDEA must be configured to use the same Java version as the command line Gradle task and springloaded must be included as a buildscript dependency.

You can also additionally enable ‘Make Project Automatically’ inside IntelliJ IDEA to automatically compile your code whenever a file is saved.

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