47.2 Customizing the management endpoint paths

Sometimes it is useful to group all management endpoints under a single path. For example, your application might already use /info for another purpose. You can use the management.context-path property to set a prefix for your management endpoint:


The application.properties example above will change the endpoint from /{id} to /manage/{id} (e.g. /manage/info).

You can also change the “id” of an endpoint (using endpoints.{name}.id) which then changes the default resource path for the MVC endpoint. Legal endpoint ids are composed only of alphanumeric characters (because they can be exposed in a number of places, including JMX object names, where special characters are forbidden). The MVC path can be changed separately by configuring endpoints.{name}.path, and there is no validation on those values (so you can use anything that is legal in a URL path). For example, to change the location of the /health endpoint to /ping/me you can set endpoints.health.path=/ping/me.

[Tip] Tip
If you provide a custom MvcEndpoint remember to include a settable path property, and default it to /{id} if you want your code to behave like the standard MVC endpoints. (Take a look at the HealthMvcEndpoint to see how you might do that.) If your custom endpoint is an Endpoint (not an MvcEndpoint) then Spring Boot will take care of the path for you.

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