69.4 Use ‘short’ command line arguments

Some people like to use (for example) --port=9000 instead of --server.port=9000 to set configuration properties on the command line. You can easily enable this by using placeholders in application.properties, e.g.

[Tip] Tip
If you are inheriting from the spring-boot-starter-parent POM, the default filter token of the maven-resources-plugins has been changed from ${*} to @ (i.e. @maven.token@ instead of ${maven.token}) to prevent conflicts with Spring-style placeholders. If you have enabled maven filtering for the application.properties directly, you may want to also change the default filter token to use other delimiters.
[Note] Note
In this specific case the port binding will work in a PaaS environment like Heroku and Cloud Foundry, since in those two platforms the PORT environment variable is set automatically and Spring can bind to capitalized synonyms for Environment properties.

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