50.7 Special features with Java 8

The default implementation of GaugeService and CounterService provided by Spring Boot depends on the version of Java that you are using. With Java 8 (or better) the implementation switches to a high-performance version optimized for fast writes, backed by atomic in-memory buffers, rather than by the immutable but relatively expensive Metric<?> type (counters are approximately 5 times faster and gauges approximately twice as fast as the repository-based implementations). The Dropwizard metrics services (see below) are also very efficient even for Java 7 (they have backports of some of the Java 8 concurrency libraries), but they do not record timestamps for metric values. If performance of metric gathering is a concern then it is always advisable to use one of the high-performance options, and also to only read metrics infrequently, so that the writes are buffered locally and only read when needed.

[Note] Note
The old MetricRepository and its InMemoryMetricRepository implementation are not used by default if you are on Java 8 or if you are using Dropwizard metrics.

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