50.9 Aggregating metrics from multiple sources

There is an AggregateMetricReader that you can use to consolidate metrics from different physical sources. Sources for the same logical metric just need to publish them with a period-separated prefix, and the reader will aggregate (by truncating the metric names, and dropping the prefix). Counters are summed and everything else (i.e. gauges) take their most recent value.

This is very useful if multiple application instances are feeding to a central (e.g. Redis) repository and you want to display the results. Particularly recommended in conjunction with a MetricReaderPublicMetrics for hooking up to the results to the “/metrics” endpoint.


private MetricExportProperties export;

public PublicMetrics metricsAggregate() {
  return new MetricReaderPublicMetrics(aggregatesMetricReader());

private MetricReader globalMetricsForAggregation() {
  return new RedisMetricRepository(this.connectionFactory,
      this.export.getRedis().getAggregatePrefix(), this.export.getRedis().getKey());

private MetricReader aggregatesMetricReader() {
  AggregateMetricReader repository = new AggregateMetricReader(
  return repository;
[Note] Note
The example above uses MetricExportProperties to inject and extract the key and prefix. This is provided to you as a convenience by Spring Boot, and the defaults will be sensible. They are set up in MetricExportAutoConfiguration.
[Note] Note
The MetricReaders above are not @Beans and are not marked as @ExportMetricReader because they are just collecting and analyzing data from other repositories, and don’t want to export their values.

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