50.3 Cache metrics

The following metrics are exposed for each supported cache defined in your application:

  • The current size of the cache (cache.xxx.size)
  • Hit ratio (cache.xxx.hit.ratio)
  • Miss ratio (cache.xxx.miss.ratio)
[Note] Note
Cache providers do not expose the hit/miss ratio in a consistent way. While some expose an aggregated value (i.e. the hit ratio since the last time the stats were cleared), others expose a temporal value (i.e. the hit ratio of the last second). Check your caching provider documentation for more details.

If two different cache managers happen to define the same cache, the name of the cache is prefixed by the name of the CacheManager bean.

It is possible to override part or all of those defaults by registering a bean with a customized version of CachePublicMetrics. By default, Spring Boot provides cache statistics for EhCache, Hazelcast, Infinispan, JCache and Guava. You can add additional CacheStatisticsProvider beans if your favorite caching library isn’t supported out of the box. See CacheStatisticsAutoConfiguration for examples.

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